Zadar was developed in a favorable position in the center of the eastern Adriatic coast. The islands of Zadar archipelago protect it from the effects of the open sea, which had great importance in the period of domination of sea traffic. At the mainland its background makes extensive plains of Ravni Kotari, which enables the smooth expansion by which is Zadar different from other coastal cities. Massif of Velebit, Zadar area is sharply separated from Lika and continental Croatia, which is only recently changed by the construction of highway and tunnel of Sveti Rok. Zadar has very good traffic position, and it is very well connected by the railway, road, and it even has the airport. As it is also a port, you can reach it by the sea too. Climate is Mediterranean, and during the summer you can count on sunny whether. Winters are mild. Hot whether during the summer is not a problem as you can find refreshment in the crystal sea.
Population of Zadar, according to population census from the year 2001, is 72717 inhabitants. It is the second biggest city in Dalmatia, just after Split, and the fifth city in Croatia. But according to some predictions, it had in the year 2008 about 92000 inhabitants and it is the fastest growing city in Dalmatia. Reason for that are its extraordinary conditions for expansion. Zadar is a city, but at the same time it is a big tourist center. It has many accommodation capacities, from high class hotels to rooms in private flats. And that’s not all, as tourists may stay in private villas on the edge parts of the city, in auto camps, in private apartments, or in marina. Tourists have plenty of opportunities for accommodation in Zadar. Beaches in Zadar are nice, but real paradise you can find only few km outside from Zadar, where you can arrive with local bus lines, or with your own vehicle, after just few minutes of drive. Gastronomic offer in Zadar is superb. You will find many restaurants offering fresh fish, prepared on many ways, or you can enjoy in meet meals. Fast foods and pizzerias are also countless in Zadar. Tourists could take some of many tours, no matter if they like to observe the background of Zadar area, national parks in the neighborhood, or they like to go on some small islets and spend all day there. Many tours also include sightseeing of old Zadar core with guide who will teach you all about rich history of this interesting city. There is no need to mention that in Zadar you can play many sports, take a diving lessons, take a panoramic flight, go rafting, and much more. Attractions in Zadar are gorgeous. Once, Alfred Hitchcock said that he had never seen more beautiful sunset than the one he had seen in Zadar. Recently Zadar get two unique projects, Pozdrav Suncu (greeting to the Sun) and Morske orgulje (Sea organs). You should not miss the opportunity to experience that once you come to Zadar. That experience you will never forget, it is already described as something what you cant find anywhere in the world, by many tourists who already visited these two spots. Both are very close to each other. But as Zadar has rich history, more than 3000 years, it has a lot more to offer. Church of St. Donat is like a trademark of Zadar. Very interesting to see is some other churches, like Church of St. Stošija, or the Church of St. Maria, and the smallest cathedral in the world. Also, you should take a walk over Kalelarga, famous walk side in Zadar.