Samobor is a city situated on the slopes of the Samobor Mountains, 25 kilometers far from the capital city of Croatia – Zagreb. It is consisted of 78 villages with population of around 36 000 inhabitants, but just Samobor has around 16 000 inhabitants. It is connected with Zagreb – Ljubljana Highway, so it became even more accessible place for tourists. Today Samobor is one of the most popular excursion locations in Croatia. Tourists come every year to visit it because of its rich history, great landscape and many cultural monuments. In 1242. King Bela IV. declared Samobor as free royal city, and then development of Samobor started. Of all monuments and landmarks it is worth to highlight Old Town, Town hall from the 1862nd, and many churches such as church of St. Anastazija, church of St. Mihalj and church of Uznesenje blažene djevice Marije. There are also some old houses from the 19th century. If you come to Samobor, you should not miss to visit Samobor Museum and Museum Marton, where you can see many interesting things about Samobor and its area.