If you find an apartment, room or vacation house in Selce on Brac, you have found an oasis of peace and tranquillity, which is rare to find even on islands like this magical Brac. Selca is located near Sumartin, a ferry port where ferries from Makarska sailing to. There is only a few minutes on foot from Sumartin to Selca so that Selca, which is said to be in the interior of the island, actually is not. The sea at your fingertips here and you do not have to have a car to reach some of the beautiful beaches on this southern side of the island. One of those is Puntinak beach in the bay of the same name, which is located west of Sumartin and Selca, and which is enjoyed by people and gustes of both places. Follow the local road Puntinak way, from the intersection that leads from Sumartin to Selca, by the sea. You will reach the gorgeous cove, surrounded by olive groves and pine trees, where the sea penetrates the mainland, spinning colourful pebbles and heavy tree crowns that protect from sunshine. Find the Puntinak bay in order to find peace and discover all the wealth of Dalmatian islands.