Ancient Salona left a legacy for the people of Solin and visitors in many sights to commemorate the predecessors of civilization as we know it today. Mills on the river Jadro are one of those mentioning. Sometimes there were many of them, but there are only few preserved today, mainly on cascades where clear water of Jadro takes strenght from the land to impower the mill for grinding grain. One of the greatest mills is the Great Gallium (Velika galija). There are evidence that there was a mill in the same place in 11th century. It is assumed that it was a simple house made of stone. Data from the 16th century speak of a large building with twelve millstones. The centuries that followed have changed owners and appearance of Great Gallium, so in the middle of the 20th century, it had 14 mills of which two were electrically operated. In the year of 1985, only three mills are working here, with the last one stopped in 90s. Today, here is a restaurant with apartments to fully enjoy the beauty of the river Jadro and majestic power of its water.
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