One of the rare habitats of the griffon vulture, is on Cres island, especially on its middle part. There are around 250 of vultures living on Cres. This gorgeous bird has impressive wingspan of 2,4 till 2,8 meters. They feed them self with carrion only, mainly with large memos and they never attack living prey. Griffon vulture is devoted to their primary habitat and a female is laying eggs into her own nest only. Caput insulae is the name of the eco-centre for this endangered species on Cres island in a village Beli. Eco - center is open for you too, not only as a tourist attraction, but as a place for volunteering in order to protect vultures from extinction. If you take this challenge, you wont regret it. It will be a unique experience where you?ll learn a lot about birds and a manners of helping injured ones. Eco-center is taking care of islands cultural heritage, too. There are seven eco-trails you are going to walk through, encountering generous locals to find out that not only vultures find this fantastic landscape their home.
There are golden eagles and buzzard who also see inaccessible cliffs irresistible for nesting and raising cubs. So, this is the way you can make your holidays so much more than laying on the beach. You can feel that you can make a difference by helping to endangered beings and the photos of this colorful crowd of birds is something you cannot take anywhere else in the whole world.