Days of the Kajkavian Word in Zlatar

Zlatar is a small town in northwestern Croatia where you can still hear the Kajkavian word and where old Kajkavian customs are cultivated. When autumn falls on the slopes of Zagorje, Zlatar is dressed in festive costumes to keep the Kajkavian spirit alive on the fertile golden land. In mid-September, the Days of the Kajkavian Word in Zlatar begin, a manifestation that has been held since 1970. The values ​​of Kajkavian speech and the cultural heritage of Zagorje are accompanied here by fun and sport events, and Zlatar is visited by many enthusiasts and fans of ethnical heritage. The ten days of the festival are filled by an extremely luxurious program. This is the largest festival of the region and numerous cultural and artistic companies from Croatia have the honor of performing here, choirs, artisans, culinary masters, art artists, entertainers, athletes, actors and performers. The program is intended for all and everyone can find something for their own taste. Zlatar keeps its doors wide open, it has a rich dining table and warm welcome to everyone. The only thing left for you is to find an apartment, room or holiday house in Zlatar or surroundings, so that you can enjoy the generous autumn idyll of the Zagorje and Kajkavian customs for some time.
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Accommodation Days of the Kajkavian Word in Zlatar

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