In this apartment you have at your disposal a washing machine, a microwave oven for quick meal preparation, a stove for cooking and an oven, a refrigerator. TV LCD with international programs, DVD/DivX player and WiFi. The air conditioner will refresh your stay in the apartment. Don't worry if it turns off when you open the patio door, because it will turn on again when you close it. You can control the parking space with your car from the terrace. The apartment is a few steps away from the beach and a 5-minute easy walk to the place. . If you had a pleasant stay in our apartment, tell everyone, if you didn't like something, tell us so that we can fix it. We wish you a pleasant stay in the Linda apartment.
I love to travel to meet new people and see different places. I am also glad that other people can use my apartments to see the beauties of Baska and the island of Krk. I have decorated the apartments with everything I look for in one apartment when I travel.